Startup & industries

Our mission is to become privileged Business partner to Ophthalmic medical devices startup or industries in the Iberia, or Spanish speaking territories as well as across European countries.

Our expertise will help you to achieve commercial success bringing you the right experience and approach. We offer a unique perspective and expertise, providing strategic guidance, operational services and solutions.​
Elisabeth Jori
Ceo & Founder

Market assesment

Comprehesive analysis of enviroment forces, markets trends, entry barriers, competition, risks, opportunities.

Go to market strategy

Deliver a unique value proposition to customers and achieve competitive advantage.

KOL managment

Implementation and management of key opinion leader programmes.

Pre-launch strategy

Build interest and buzz for the upcoming project, pre-plan your future marketing.

Clinical development support

Your best partner for a customized, end-to-end pathway for your clinical development programs, from lead candidate selection through early phase clinical trial.

Marketing support

We provide the extra hands-on expertise you need to develop, monitor, and execute marketing plans and projects, support your sales efforts, coordinate social-media initiatives and more.

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